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AASHTOWare Project Estimator Software Support

Estimator is an interactive, PC based, stand-alone cost estimation system for highway construction. It utilizes a Windows graphical user interface (GUI) for the preparation of detailed estimates. Estimator can support estimation via cost-based, reference-based, historical or ad hoc pricing.

Estimator is integrated with other AASHTOWare Project Modules including AASHTOWare Project Preconstruction and AASHTOWare Project Bids to provide seamless data transfer capability for addressing project requirements.

The New York State Thruway Authority has upgraded to version 2.16b of Estimator.  Consultants may purchase a copy from the developer, InfoTech Inc., who will limit all new purchases or renewals of Estimator for use on Authority projects to that version.  Consultants who have purchased or renewed their license within the last year are eligible for an upgrade to version 2.16b as a part of their license agreement. Consultants who produce estimates for more than one state or agency are required to purchase separate licenses for each organization.

Consultants can contact InfoTech’s AASHTOWare Project Estimator support team at: (352) 381-4400 or

How to Obtain the Software

Design Consultants will need to purchase a copy of Estimator from the developer, Info Tech, that is specifically branded for the New York State Thruway Authority.  Do not use a version purchased for use on projects for other state DOTs, including those of the New York State Department of Transportation.

Support Files

Once Estimator version 2.16b for use on NYSTA projects has been obtained as specified above, consultants can utilize the following support files developed by the Thruway Authority:

  • NYSTA Consultant Installation and Configuration Guide PDF 
    A guide Design Consultants should follow when installing and configuring Estimator for use on New York State Thruway Authority projects.
  • NYSTA Estimator Procedures for Consultants PDF 
    A brief summary of procedures Design Consultants should follow when producing an estimate on New York State Thruway Authority projects using the Estimator software.
  • NYSTA Supplement to Estimator User’s Guide PDF 
    A supplement to the generic Estimator User's Guide that contains specific guidance for using Estimator on New York State Thruway Authority projects.
  • NYSTA English Weighted Average Bid Price Book PDF 
    A weighted average bid price book (WABPB) which summarizes the historical prices bid for each specific New York State Thruway Authority English contract items (November 12, 2021 thru November 12, 2024)
  • NYSTA English All Items List PDF 
    A listing of all the English items in the Authority's pay item catalog as of January 8, 2024.
  •* Zip File 
    A catalog file containing commonly used NYSDOT Standard Specification items as well as NYSDOT and NYSTA special specification items.

    *Note: This file only needs to be downloaded manually if Estimator is not configured to automatically download catalog updates, as specified in the New York State Thruway Authority Consultant Installation and Configuration Guide. Right Click and select “Save link as” to download this Security Catalog file to its appropriate directory within the client’s computer.

Estimator Computer Based Training (CBT)

The New York State Department of Transportation has developed an Estimator CBT module as a training aid for this software. 

  • Design consultants can download the CBT module Leaving NYS Thruway Authority's Website from the New York State Department of Transportation website.  The download files are large (~ 103 MB) and will take several minutes to download with a high speed connection.  
  • The New York State Thruway Authority has developed a Supplement to Computer Based Training Module PDF  identifying the differences between the CBT configuration and the New York State Thruway Authority Estimator configuration. The supplement also updates the instructions in the CBT’s Exercise Worksheet to be consistent with changes in version 2.16b of Estimator.