NYSTA Electronic Bidding Full Policy Statement
Advertised Lettings |Contract Documents | Bid Results | Tabulation of Bids
Section 1. Summary
The New York State Thruway Authority (NYSTA) uses Project Bids Software for electronic bidding. Project Bids is a product of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) that is currently used by the majority of State Departments of Transportation. It is provided free of charge, and can be used on almost any Windows-compatible PC. It integrates with many existing electronic bid preparation software, and has import/export capability for use with database and spreadsheet systems.
Project Bids allows bidders to receive electronic proposal bid item information from the NYSTA’s internet web site and to produce both an electronic and a paper-based bid.
View additional Project Bids software information and downloads.
Section 2. Participation and Relationship to Paper Documents
The Authority’s adoption of electronic bidding does not force any Contractor to bid electronically. Rather, participation is voluntary. If submitting a bid using infotech’s Bid Express internet bidding service no paper is required. If submitting an electronic bid on a CD, DVD or USB device delivered to the Authority in person or via a courier service, bidders must also submit print outs that match the electronic file. Project Bids prints a check code on every bid page that must match the check code in the computer file. As the check code changes every time the electronic file is modified, matching the codes verifies that the data on the printed bid is the same as in the electronic file. In case of discrepancy, the printouts always prevail and are the primary legal document. Therefore the printouts can be used to make any last minute changes.
Section 3. Third-party software
NYSTA endorses no particular product but expects all such vendors and individuals to voluntarily keep pace with changes in NYSTA specifications.
Section 4. Proposal Notes and Changes By Amendment
Contractors are solely responsible for recognizing and properly responding to any and all special notes and circumstances printed in the Contract Proposal and any and all changes by amendment from the amendment documents and/or notices communicated to them by the NYSTA’s Contracts Unit.
Amendments are posted on line at: www.thruway.ny.gov/business/contractors/documents/index.shtml. Whenever an amendment is issued, a Project Bids amendment file will also be issued and must be applied to your electronic bid. Do not bid without carefully reviewing the printed proposal and any and all changes by amendment. Proposal notes and circumstances include, but are not limited to, printed information on alternate, fixed and/or limited cost items and/or special circumstances regarding item placement and use.
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Electronic Bidding